Dr. Paige Ferguson Barnett, DNP Brande Pharris, FNP
Dedicate yourself to a higher quality of life!
Same day appointments usually available.
Dedicate yourself to a higher quality of life!
Same day appointments usually available.
We realize how important quality healthcare is to our patients, and it is equally important to us. We always strive for excellence at Primary Healthcare Group!
Our team will support you in building a healthier you. No matter what your health needs are, we will support you with knowledge, experience, and encouragement to keep you on the path to meeting them. We will also work together to connect you with the services you need.
We work with you to treat diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, thyroid disorders, COPD, weight gain, fatigue, migraines, and much more! We usually have same day appointments available for sick visit.
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